This list consist of all your leads, either entered by hand or automatically inserted by HTTP posts from your lead providers.
On openinng, this list shows you only leads that you booked for today. In order to see all leads, click Clear Filter button.
- All Leads - Display all your leads with all statuses in chronological order - Newest on top
- Fresh Leads - Display leads with the status New
- Leads In Progress - Displays leads that haven't been booked, but have status other than New
- Booked leads - Displays leads that have been booked
- Open Leads -Displays leads that were booked and job was performed, but not closed
- Closed Leads - Displays leads that were closed
Advanced Filter - Displays options for advanced searching and filtering. On the right pane you can specify mulityple search criteria and the system will display you leads based on them
Clear Filter - Displays all leads and clear all filters
Clicking on the lead will open new tab withing the eMover program with detailed lead information and all tools to make estimation, book and close lead.
To Delete Lead - click on the lead and then click Delete button. It will permanently delete the lead from the system and cannot be reversed. Usually this button is visible only to the company manager